District Nurses
Fiona Smith
The district nursing team carry out nursing care for the patient at home. Please telephone them on Tel. No. 01475 745327(Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00). 01475 720995 (All other times)
Health Visiting Team
Eilish Glancy is the practice health visitor, Eilish is supported by Morag Gaffney who is the health visiting support worker.
They offer health advice and support, mainly, to families with young children under five. This includes help with parenting and behaviour management and also support to women with Post Natal depression. They can be contacted on 01475 506017.
Community Psychiatric Nurses
The Practice has a CPN service provided by James Graham, Sandra Smith and Veronique Millar. The CPN’s can help people suffering from a range of problems including mild depression, anxiety, stress, phobias, alcohol misuse and non-dependant drug misuse. If you feel you would benefit from this service, you can self refer by filling in a referral form which is available at the practice or calling them direct on 01475 558000.